Page 1 ALPHABETIC LIST The 45th Annual Fischang-Ciccetti 5-Mile & 5K Both 5K = 5 and 5Mile = 10 runners The YMCA in Waterbury, CT . November 21, 2021 9:00 A.M. No. Name Ra | No. Name Ra ===== =================== == | ===== =================== == 201 Rhea Adler 5 | 26 Maureen Grace 10 1 SHIRLEE ANDREWS 10 | 27 Paul Gray 10 2 Kim Bandak 10 | 28 Enrico Guerrera 10 3 Vincent Bandak 10 | 29 Peter Hawley 10 4 Timothy Beach 10 | 224 Way Hedding 5 5 GARY BEAUMONT 10 | 225 Mandy Hubeny 5 6 Debbie Blitz 10 | 68 Davino Johnson 10 254 David Blocker 5 | 30 Stephen Johnson 10 202 Theresa Caldarone 5 | 31 Clare Keller 10 203 Alexandra Capaldo 5 | 226 Bob Kelly 5 8 Annie Carbone 10 | 227 Polly Kertis 5 9 Diana Carroll 10 | 33 Danielle Kizelnik 10 204 Ginny Chambers 5 | 32 Zev Kizelnik 10 10 Jason Ciaciura 10 | 228 Joanna Lacman 5 205 Carl D. Cicchetti 5 | 229 MaryAnn Landry 5 206 Carl M. Cicchetti 5 | 34 Jeffrey Lapham 10 207 Carl R. Cicchetti 5 | 256 Viola Lapham 10 208 Christopher Cicchet 5 | 230 Evan Lea 5 209 Colin Cicchetti 5 | 37 Eric Levesque 10 214 Kate Cicchetti 5 | 36 Gina Levesque 10 210 Kristen Cicchetti 5 | 38 Mario Longo 10 211 Kyle Cicchetti 5 | 231 Tony Luccaro 5 212 Maureen Cicchetti 5 | 39 Carrie Macmillan 10 213 Nate Cicchetti 5 | 232 Laurie Maloney 5 12 Owen Clark 10 | 235 Iolanda Marucci 5 13 Thomas Clark 10 | 234 Marina Marucci 5 11 Tracey Clark 10 | 233 Robert Marucci 5 15 Alyssa Corvigno 10 | 236 Tiden Marucci 5 14 Carmen Corvigno 10 | 40 Jenna Masotta 10 16 Christina Corvigno 10 | 237 Emily Mattina 5 18 Glen Corvigno 10 | 238 Fran McGeever 5 17 Kenny Corvigno 10 | 41 Julie McNeish 10 215 Nancy Corvigno 5 | 42 Lee McNeish 10 216 george curley 5 | 239 Ashley Miller 5 255 Chameides Dave 5 | 240 Cindy Moser 5 66 Hansen David 10 | 43 Jackie Mulhall 10 217 Shanelle DeVeaux 5 | 241 Jim Mulhall,jr 5 219 Gabriel Diamante 5 | 243 Denisa Nano 5 218 Peter Diamante 5 | 242 Xholina Nano 5 19 Stephen Dinsmore 10 | 44 Benjamin Neumon 10 20 John Ducham 10 | 244 Salim Noujaim 5 21 Richard Fernandes 10 | 245 Nicola O'Rourke 5 220 Brian Fidler 5 | 45 Stephen Palmer 10 221 Laurie Fleischman 5 | 46 Nikki Pirro 10 22 Alexandra Foster 10 | 246 Kara Poulter 5 222 Brian M Foster 5 | 247 Vernon Proctor 5 23 Sarah Galvani-Towns 10 | 47 Bernard Puc 10 223 Jeff Gartman 5 | 48 Mark Rapuano 10 24 Holly Geoffroy 10 | 49 David Ricciuti 10 25 Michael Gilmore 10 | 248 Renee Robichaud 5 50 Pat Rosin 10 | 58 Eric Tuttle 10 51 Julie Sargeant 10 | 67 Greaney Vanessa 10 52 Francisco Simoes 10 | 59 Mario Vazquez 10 249 Julia Simon 5 | 60 Paul Violante 10 53 Colin Slavin 10 | 61 Jill Waldron 10 54 Emma Slavin 10 | 252 Braden Walker 5 55 Linda Spooner 10 | 62 Pam Wilcox 10 250 Gary St.Onge 5 | 63 Michele Williams 10 251 Heather Stasaitis 5 | 64 Jim Zoldy 10 56 Rosanne Tiso 10 | 253 Rich Zuvich 5 57 Jeffrey Townsend 10 | 65 Whitey Zyko 10 Number of records: 122 11/20/2021 5:38PM